
What’s a Form 46G and do I have to file it?

A Form 46G is a return detailing services or goods you required of more than €6,000 euros.

The revenue now requires this return, each year, from all businesses. It is due in respect of payments to any person in excess of €6,000 per annum for services rendered. Only the receipts of payments which you or your company incurred are to be reported on.

Information required:

The return will include commissions, fees and expenses paid (or other valuable consideration given) for services rendered by persons ordinarily resident in the State. The information required in respect of such payments is as follows:

  • Name.
  • Address of supplier.
  • Tax Number on invoice.
  • Amount (VAT exclusive).
  • Nature of the service rendered.
  • Nature of consideration, if not money.
  • Period over which services provided.

The following payments need not be included in the return:

  • Payments totalling less than €6,000 per year to any one person.
  • Payments for services in which the value of any goods provided as part of the service exceeds two-thirds of the total charge.
  • Payments from which tax is deductible (e.g. salaries and wages, payments to subcontractors, fees paid subject to withholding tax).
  • Purchase of goods.
  • Payment to utilities such as ESB, telephone, water.
  • Bank interest and charges.
  • Payments to persons not resident in the State.

You can file a Form 46G on You can find more information on Form 46G on

If you need any help preparing a Form 46G or any other taxes please feel free to contact us.

Form 46G