4 Items Required to Register a Company in Ireland
Due to Brexit, you may be thinking of setting up a company in Ireland?
There are many advantages. Ireland has one of the lowest tax rates in the European Union: 12.5%. Irish laws are based on common law, the same as the UK legal system. English is an official state language. And it only takes 5 working days to register a company in Ireland.
So what do you need to set up a company and trade from Ireland?
1. Director
You only need one director for a limited company who should normally live in Ireland, the European Union or an EEA member country. If the director does not live in Ireland, the European Union or an EEA member country, the company must purchase a bond, which we can arrange on behalf of the company.
2. Secretary
Unfortunately, the director and the company secretary cannot be the same person. Most people are appointing their spouse, partner, family member or a secretarial company as the company secretary.
3. Registered Office
The company must have an address in Ireland, to store all the company documents. The office can be located anywhere in Ireland. Some companies are using a post office box address or a secretarial company’s address.
However, not using a business address where an “activity” is taking place could cause problems when the company applies for a VAT number.
4. Taxation number*
Once you obtain the company number and documents, you may want to start trading or register for VAT?
You may only need the following if you intend on trading in Ireland:
In order to obtain a VAT number, evidence of trading or intention to trade in Ireland must be provided to the Irish Tax authorities (Revenue) they may ask for the some of the following items :
- Copy of business address lease agreement showing details of lease, rent paid, location where activity is taking place, and landlord’s name and address.
- Copy of sales invoices.
- Copy of contracts and agreements between the company and clients.
- Detailed description of the activity taking place in Ireland.
We can usually set up a limited company within 5 working days.
*Taxation Information is only required if the company wants to register for VAT.
It can take up to 4 weeks to obtain a VAT number and 10 days for a taxation number.
Please contact me if you’re interested in moving to Ireland.